Our Community,
our family
Our Community
Boquete is located in a very privileged area of our country. It is rich in natural resources and has a culturally diverse population. The unique values of Boquete’s community are manifested in the warmth and hospitality of its citizens, and in the vigorous cultural, social, economic and educative development that it holds since its foundation.
Boquete’s significant foreign influence, with its customs, languages, traditions and values, combined with the local population, distinguish this town from the rest of the country. Precisely this multicultural richness is what has made Boquete into such a key spot in our Republic. It is therefore necessary to support its growth by educating our children and youth in the community’s values.
They must rely on a complete educational formation; fundamental for their aspirations to be successful in a world that is constantly evolving and that demands social-human and educational connection of the individual in every developing region, without distinction as to race or social origin.
Boquete is a typical upland mountainous community, where coffee plantations and and tourism are its main commercial activities. These outstanding aspects of its economy will be emphasized in our unique academic proposal.
Equally important is highlighting in the children’s education the fact that the community’s residents have diverse nationalities and cultures.
For this reason, we prioritize bilingual learning in our institution (english and spanish). We challenge ourselves to help our students achieve a holistic development. The rewards for the community of a well-prepared student are more than enough motivation for us to forge honorable men and women with broad competence and skills. Beyond traditional learning of practice and theory, we include scientific, analytical, and ethical skills; as well as the love for nature.
International Academy Group
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International Academy Group
Headquarters: Boquete, El Frances and David, Avenida Francisco Clark, Chiriquí
Email: Boquete: infoaib@aib.edu.pa, David: info@aid.edu.pa
Phones: Boquete, El Frances +507 720-2821 / Mobile +507 6670-6785
Phones: David, Avenida Francisco Clark +507 775-2261 / Mobile +507 6893-2678
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